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Give Thanks

Testimony of Evelyn Siow

I was born an active person who loves all kinds of outdoor sports and games. I was playing badminton, running, swimming etc. from a very early age. Then, in early 2008 my right knee began to give me pain. I prayed for healing. My faith in God grew as I was built on firm foundation of believe and trust in Him.

God was watching over me

I needed surgery. Naturally, I was worried. I thought to myself – would I be able to bear the pain? Would the surgery be a success or would there be adverse consequences as a result? Would I get back to my normal active life? I prayed for God's healing hands and for a good surgeon to attend to my case. However, I've always felt that God was watching over me. I didn't even seek for a good specialist or advice from anyone. All I did was to go to God; to pray that God will send a good orthopaedic surgeon to attend to my case. He did. I only found this out after the surgery. God blessed me with positive thinking and to be brave – to trust Him.

I had metal capping on both the upper and lower bone (probably to prevent further erosion or osteoporosis) and with a special sponge to cushion both the upper and lower bones from hitting each other

I was actually feeling so good with no pain and my recuperation was pretty fast which surprised many of my friends. I was given 6 months medical leave but I only took 4 months. I felt fully recovered. I wanted to

I felt so much stronger

return to work. I wanted to get used to the handicap and to be of use again – not to mention to continue with my outdoor sports and games. God answered my prayers and that of the individuals and groups who prayed for me to the same Almighty God, as He watched over me and returned me back to normal living. I felt so much stronger and so much more confident. I had learned and been reminded that 'God hears us and is always there when you call His name'. I never stopped praying to Him for His mercy and grace. I got back to normal life.

during the hikes, nature walks and hill climbs

Then in early 2015 my left knee started giving trouble. This time without hesitation I went ahead with the needful as if it were routine, fully confident that God will take care of me and bless me through the medical team as He had done previously. And He did again. My team members of the SALT Ministry hiking group expressed surprise at my ability to keep pace with them during the hikes, nature walks and hill climbs we are currently having. There was no sign that I had in fact undergone surgery to both knees. Praise the Lord.

Our God is consistently faithful, merciful and gracious. I can testify that in these two instances and others, He has answered my prayers even when I've not asked, but needed help. He's been always very good, very patient and very forgiving. I know many times I've grieved Him but each time that I prayed for forgiveness I could feel the peace as He readily forgave me.

(Evelyn participated in the 20km Let's take a WALK 2019 Charity Event.)

With the Psalmist I say: “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.” Ps. 136:1

(Evelyn is in her early 70s. She is now kept busy attending to the needs of her grandchildren and also community work at the Clementi Zone 3 Residents' Committee Centre. She stays active physically by participating regularly the "Active Aging Activities" Programme organised by the SALT Ministry. She is also involved in her church serving the Lord in the audio visual department.)

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